Indigo Capsule

 February service hours: 4 hours

Total hours: 10 hours

     This month flew by so fast with 2 shorter modules than the other ones, with a lot of study days. I kept myself very busy the first half of the month rotating between classes, lab, and home. On top of these, I also tried and threw in a little bit of MCAT CARS passage practices. However, it felt really hard to make it a habit doing MCAT practices everyday or regularly besides school. After typing these words I realized it is not the first time I'm writing about this hardship in my blog, so it's been giving some anxiety lately. 

     Another change I've made this month is to deleted most of the social media apps on my phone, and it gave me more time to focus what's on the present instead of scrolling down people's posts that are not relevant to what I need to focus now. 

    I had less time to volunteer for code for San Jose this month, also there were less new volunteers that needed onboarding, I approximated my service hour of this month to be an hour each week on verifying volunteer's application/resumes and assigning them to the ideal projects. My goal for next month is to add in more MCAT studying as we transition slowly towards the end of med pharm class.


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